Pea Aphid

The pea aphid is an insect that feeds on the lower parts of buds, leaves, and pods of leguminous plants. They are a model organism and have their entire genome mapped out.

Scientific Classification

  • Class:Insecta
  • Order:Hemiptera
  • Family:Aphididae
  • Genus:Acyrthosiphon
  • Species:A. pisum

Conservation Status

Not EvaluatedNE

Not Evaluated

Data DeficientDD

Data Deficient

Least ConcernLC

Least Concern

Near ThreatenedNT

Near Threatened





Critically EndangeredCR

Critically Endangered

Extinct in the wildEW

Extinct in the wild




Acyrthosiphon pisum

The pea aphid tends to be green or reddish pink, with green morphs being more commonly seen. It is a large aphid, about 0.16 inches long. Both winged and wingless morphs exist.

Other Common Names: Green dolphin, pea louse, and clover louse

Distribution: Native: Europe; Invasive: Australia

Pea Aphids

Habitat: Wherever forage crops are grown

Do they bite: No

Lifespan: 30 days

Predator: Parasitoid wasps

Behavior and Characteristics


These aphids feed on peas, alfalfa, clover, and broad beans.

Life Cycle

Both sexual and asexual reproduction is observed, the former occurring when a single host plant becomes overcrowded.

1. Egg Stage

Fertilized eggs are laid in autumn. They overwinter and hatch in the spring.

2. Nymph Stage

On hatching, the newborn nymphs undergo parthenogenesis and give birth to 4-12 new aphids daily. This continues until autumn when the first males and females capable of sexual reproduction emerge. These nymphs go through four molts before they become sexually mature.

Getting Rid of Them

Pea Aphid Damage

The pea aphid sucks the sap out of pea plants and is considered a pest. Biological methods such as introducing their predators in an infected environment are considered to control them.


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