Dragonflies in Ohio

Pictures make the identification of the dragonflies of Ohio easy. That is exactly what we have tried to do in this post. It contains a list and images of the common Ohio dragonflies. Northeast Ohio sees large swarms of migrating dragonflies when the north winds make their travel easier. South winds could also result in the appearance of swarms in this part of the state.

Dragonflies in Ohio (OH)

Types of Dragonflies in Ohio

  • Allegheny River Cruiser
  • Banded Pennant
  • Blue Dasher
  • Calico Pennant
  • Common Whitetail
  • Eastern Amberwing
  • Eastern Pondhawk
  • Gray Petaltail
  • Halloween Pennant
  • Lancet Clubtail
  • Slaty Skimmer
  • Spangled Skimmer
  • Tiger Spiketail
  • Widow Skimmer
  • Common Green Darner
  • Elfin Skimmer
  • Common Sanddragon
  • Dragonhunter
  • Green-faced Clubtail
  • Handsome Clubtail
  • Cobra Clubtail
  • Splendid Clubtail
  • Rapids Clubtail
  • Unicorn Clubtail
  • Black-shouldered Spinyleg
  • Least Clubtail
  • Fawn Darner
  • Comet Darner
  • Shadow Darner
  • Illinois River Cruiser
  • Royal River Cruiser
  • Stream Cruiser
  • Prince Baskettail
  • Common Baskettail
  • Uhler’s Sundragon
  • Little Blue Dragonlet
  • Blue Corporal
  • Painted Skimmer
  • 12-spotted Skimmer
  • Ruby Meadowhawk
  • Band-winged Meadowhawk
  • Spot-winged Glider
  • Wandering Glider
  • Black Saddlebags
  • Red Saddlebags
  • Carolina Saddlebags

Dragonflies by Regions

Northeast Ohio Dragonflies: Dragonhunter, Gray Petaltail, Green-faced Clubtail, Cobra Clubtail, Black-shouldered Spinyleg, Common Green Darner, Shadow Darner, Slaty Skimmer, Common Whitetail, Ruby Meadowhawk, Eastern Pondhawk