Cicadas in Virginia
There are around 25 species of Virginia cicadas that are both annual and periodical. The annuals come out every year in June-August. The 13 and 17-year periodicals emerge in May. The males call from dawn to dusk to attract females to mate. The songs last for about 6 weeks, between May and July, after which they are gone. The 17-year cicadas are the longest-living insects of the state.
Types of Cicadas in Virginia
- Southern Grass Cicada
- Salt Marsh Cicada
- Cassini Periodical Cicada
- Linnaeus’s 17-Year Cicada
- Decula Periodical Cicada
- 13-Year Cassini
- 13-Year Decim
- 13-Year Decula
- Northern Dusk Singing Cicada
- Fall Southeastern Dusk-singing Cicada
- Walker’s Cicada
- Great Pine Barrens Cicada
- Hieroglyphic Cicada
- Dog-day Cicada
- Davis’ Southeastern Dog-Day Cicada
- Coastal Scissor(s) Grinder Cicada
- Linne’s Cicada
- Dark Lyric Cicada
- Lyric Cicada
- Robinson’s Annual Cicada
- Southern Swamp Cicada
- Swamp Cicada
- Eastern Scissor(s) Grinder
- Say’s Cicada
Q. What eats cicadas in Virginia?
Cicadas are eaten by skunks, snakes, raccoons, and birds.