Cicadas in New Jersey

New Jersey has both annual and periodical cicadas. There are 17-year cicadas of 2 major broods (broods II and X) occurring in the state. After emerging, thousands of periodicals can be spotted on tree trunks, fence posts, and leaves. The males make loud buzzing sounds to attract the females to mate. The annuals, of which there are around 11 species living in the state, come out in the hot summer months of July and August while the periodicals emerge in May and June.

Cicadas in New Jersey (NJ)

Types of Cicadas in New Jersey

  • Northern Dusk Singing Cicada
  • Hieroglyphic Cicada
  • Dog-day Cicada
  • Davis’ Southeastern Dog-Day Cicada
  • Coastal Scissor(s) Grinder Cicada
  • Linne’s Cicada
  • Dark Lyric Cicada
  • Lyric Cicada
  • Swamp Cicada
  • Eastern Scissor(s) Grinder
  • Say’s Cicada
  • Cassini Periodical Cicada
  • Linnaeus’s 17-Year Cicada
  • Decula Periodical Cicada