Ants in Virginia

Various ant species are native to Virginia. While they are considered valuable to the ecosystem, their invasion of homes and yards is not welcome. Correct identification of an ant is important for its effective control. This article could help on that front.

The common large red ants of Virginia are usually the biting red imported fire ants. The big black ants found here are mostly carpenter ants.

Types of Ants in Virginia

Ants in Virginia (VA)

Ants That Bite

  • Argentine Ant
  • Carpenter Ants
  • Pavement Ants
  • Red Imported Fire Ant
  • Little Black Ant
  • Asian Needle Ant
  • Fire Ants
  • Tawny Crazy Ant
  • Formica Ants
  • Acrobat Ant
  • Big-headed Ant
  • Pyramid Ant
  • Thief Ant

Ants That Don’t Bite

Ants by Colors

Red Ants: Red Imported Fire Ant

Black Ants: Carpenter Ants, Little Black Ant