Dragonflies in Virginia

Diverse species of dragonflies live in Virginia. There are around 144 documented species in this state. Some of them are rare, some are uncommon, and others are common. Some rare species are more common in the neighboring states but reach their northern or southern range limit in Virginia. The pictures of the dragonflies accompanying the list of the common ones living in the state help their correct identification.

Dragonflies in Virginia (VA)

Types of Dragonflies in Virginia

  • Gray Petaltail
  • Shadow Darner
  • Cyrano Darner
  • Common Green Darner
  • Comet Darner
  • Springtime Darner
  • Swamp Darner
  • Harlequin Darner
  • Ocellated Darner
  • Fawn Darner
  • Ashy Clubtail
  • Lancet Clubtail
  • Dragonhunter
  • Harpoon Clubtail
  • Spine-crowned Clubtail
  • Cobra Clubtail
  • Blackwater Clubtail
  • Splendid Clubtail
  • Septima’s Clubtail
  • Green-faced Clubtail
  • Piedmont Clubtail
  • Sable Clubtail
  • Russet-Tipped Clubtail
  • Arrow Clubtail
  • Black-shouldered Spinyleg
  • Unicorn Clubtail
  • Least Clubtail
  • Northern Pygmy Clubtail
  • Southern Pygmy Clubtail
  • Eastern Ringtail
  • Pale Snaketail
  • Maine Snaketail
  • Riffle Snaketail
  • Rusty Snaketail
  • Common Sanddragon
  • Twin-spotted Spiketail
  • Brown Spiketail
  • Stream Cruiser
  • Georgia River Cruiser
  • Illinois River Cruiser
  • Alleghany River Cruiser
  • American Emerald
  • Selys’ Sundragon
  • Uhler’s Sundragon
  • Prince Baskettail
  • Common Baskettail
  • Stripe-winged Baskettail
  • Robust Baskettail
  • Beaverpond Baskettail
  • Mocha Emerald
  • Umber Shadowdragon
  • Cinnamon Shadowdragon
  • Fine-lined Emerald
  • Treetop Emerald
  • Clamp-tipped Emerald
  • Calico Pennant
  • Halloween Pennant
  • Banded Pennant
  • Amanda’s Pennant
  • Red-veined Pennant
  • Double-ringed Pennant
  • Eastern Pondhawk
  • Little Blue Dragonlet
  • Seaside Dragonlet
  • Blue Corporal
  • Spangled Skimmer
  • Yellow-sided Skimmer
  • Slaty Skimmer
  • Bar-winged Skimmer
  • Widow Skimmer
  • Golden-Winged Skimmer
  • Needham’s Skimmer
  • Twelve-spotted Skimmer
  • Painted Skimmer
  • Chalk-Fronted Corporal
  • Great Blue Skimmer
  • Roseate Skimmer
  • Blue Dasher
  • Wandering Glider
  • Spot-winged Glider
  • Elfin Skimmer
  • Eastern Amberwing
  • Common Whitetail
  • Black Meadowhawk
  • Blue-faced Meadowhawk
  • Striped Meadowhawk
  • Ruby Meadowhawk
  • White-faced Meadowhawk
  • Autumn Meadowhawk
  • Band-winged Meadowhawk
  • Carolina Saddlebags
  • Four-spotted Pennant
  • Dot-tailed Whiteface
  • Hudsonian Whiteface
  • Black Saddlebags
  • Swift Setwing